NWA3D A31 User Manual
Control Screen
LCD screen that displays information and provides an interface to select settings
and manipulate the printer.
The process of cooling down the hot end. Cooldown occurs automatically after a
print is finished, or can be done manually after changing filament to to prevent
filament baking and clogs. Can be controlled using the Control Screen or turning
off the 3D printer.
A 3D printer slicing software. Utilized to transform 3D models into a X, Y, and Z
coordinate language called g-code in “.gcode” format.
Mechanical switches that indicate where the “home” or “zero” position is on each
print axis.
see also
Limit Switch
The act of dispensing build material onto the build platform through a small
nozzle commonly referred to as a "hot end.”
The assembly that handles feeding and extruding filament during a print. The
extruder has two parts: the stepper motor and feeding system that pushes the
material into the printer, and a hot end that heats and extrudes the material
through a nozzle onto the build surface.
Extruder Fan
Fan that cools the heat sink of the extruder.
Extruder Motor
Stepper motor of the extruder assembly.
Extruder Nozzle
A brass or steel funnel-shaped die through which melted plastic is extruded.
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