NWA3D A31 User Manual
a. If the bed is too high, the extruded plastic will squeeze out the sides of the
nozzle. The nozzle will plow the plastic and leave a first layer that is too
thin. Or it may be so close that no plastic is extruded at all.
b. If the bed is too low, the extruded plastic may not stick to the build plate.
Even if it does stick to the build plate, parallel lines of filament on the first
layer will look mounded, with gaps in between them.
Pro Tip:
You can “Hot Level” your printer by carefully adjusting the nuts
during the first layer of the build while the plate is moving until the distance
between the build plate and the nozzle is producing smooth extruded lines.
Be careful of the moving parts to not get pinched. After you have fine-tuned
the bed level during the first layer, you may want to stop the build, clear the
build plate, and restart the build so it will look better on the bottom.
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