36247 Canadian I/B version 12229C-1
17 12229C-1
English version
If you don't live in large metropolitan area where 10 digits dialing may be required
into certain area codes, then it may only be necessary to set 1 area code in the
36247 area code setup as indicated below.
Single Area Code Setup
Do this method if you only need to dial 7 or 11 digits numbers. Your User's (Home)
area code is set and all calls dialed using the Callback feature that are called into
your User's (Home) area code, will be dialed as 7 digits. All other calls from outside
area codes will automatically dial as 11 digits (1 + Area Code + Local Number).
Please refer to PROGRAMMING MODE section to set single area code on page 26.
If you need to dial calls to your User's (Home) area code and that call being
a toll call (as required in some areas) then the 1 + Area Code can be added back to
the 7 digits number. Please refer to CALLBACK OPTION 2 on page 25.
Multiple Area Code Setup
In some large metropolitan areas, 10 digits dialing may be required into certain
neighboring area codes. In these situations, the phone company will take an existing
area code and split the area code into 2 or 3 area codes. One area code is the
original "User's (Home)" area code and the new "Neighboring" area code(s) are
assigned new area code numbers.
In some cases a new area code is overlayed into the old area and only the new
phone subscribers will be assigned the new neighboring area code number. In either
case, the Excursion
36247 can automatically dial these numbers using the Callback
feature correctly, even if your local phone number service provider doesn't send ID
information in a format which can automatically redial 7, 10, or 11 digits.
If you are not sure how to dial your User's (Home) or adjoining Neighboring
area code, please contact your local phone service provider first before attempting
the area codes setup.
2 Area Code Setup
Your User's (Home) area code can be programmed as 7 or 10 digits Callback. If
your situation was due to an area code split, then the 7 digits dialing is usually
required for local calls. If your situation was due to an area code overlay, then 10
digits dialing is likely required into your User's (Home) area code. In either case
dialing into the new area code (Neighboring area code) created by the split or
overlay may require 10 digits dialing into the Neighboring area code. Please refer to
the PROGRAMMING MODE section to set 2 area code on page 26.
If your User's (Home) area code requires 10 digits dialing for the Callback
feature, set Callback Number. Please refer to the PROGRAMMING MODE section
to set CALLBACK NUMBER on page 26. The default setting for the Callback
Number of digits is 7. In many split area codes, 7 digits dialing is required in the
User's (Home) area code and 10 digits dialing is required in the Neighboring area
All other area codes not affected by the split will dial as 11 digits (1 + Area Code +
Local 7 Digits Number).
All area codes that are received by the Excursion
36247 that are not programmed
into the Area Code setup will automatically dial out 11 digits.