The level threshold value („Threshold”) can also be modified in the oscilloscope diagram window.
This is required when the device fails to detect a level signal (eg. when the value of the level threshold is set to too high or too small with the amplification is at the
To adjust „Threshold” value, hit the „Modify” button, which is located on the left side of the oscilloscope diagram (marked in blue in the previous figure to the left).
This activates the „Threshold value” setting field in which the threshold values can be provided.
To validate the new set up, select the „Save” button, or hit enter with the cursor in the setting field. Upon this, the software downloads the new threshold value to the
device and triggers a new reflection curve readout if the „Auto-refresh oscilloscope diagram” checkbox is ticked on. If this checkbox is unticked, then it is also obtained
by the „Refresh” button or by pressing F4 with the window is selected.