Function, Parameter name
Input Range
The unit selected here is also valid for the following functions, if “Volume” or "Ullage Volume"
mode selected in the Current generator mode - P11, current output function parameter:
Assignment of 4 mA – P16,
Assignment of 20 mA – P17.
Or the VM table (VMT) „ Output” column unit.
Set value:
“DEVICE SETTINGS” window / “Application” tab – „Engineering units -> Volume
unit” parameter.
Optional Unit
New unit (length)
Only appears with its setting field became active when “Optional unit” is selected in the
Calculation system.
Unit name (P03)
4 ASCII characters
Name of the new unit (max. 4 characters)
Set value:
“DEVICE SETTINGS” window / “Application” tab – „Optional Units -> Units name”
Unit conversion factor (P04) Minimum: > 0.0
Maximum: 100 000
Reference for the conversion factor is the millimetre, always enter conversion value
compared to it.
At a conversion factor of 10, the new unit is equivalent to 10 mm (0.4 inch).
At a conversion factor of 0.1, the new unit is equivalent to 0.1 mm (0.004 inch).
Set value:
“DEVICE SETTINGS” window / “Application” tab – „Optional Units -> Conversion
factor” parameter.
Current output
Parameter path:
“DEVICE SETTINGS” window / “Outputs” tab
Current generator mode
Select: Off, Level, Distance, Volume*
or Ullage volume*
Selection of the required function for the current output.
Specifies that what is displayed proportionally to the current signal at the 4 – 20 mA output
when the analogue transmitter is used.
Set value:
“DEVICE SETTINGS” window / “Application” tab – „Current output -> Current
generator mode” parameter.
Error indication (P12)
Select: Hold – last measured value,
22 mA
This parameter defines the status which the current output assumes in the event of an error