eNCard-i User guide
NITGEN Co., Ltd. /
(Bangi-dong) 6 Wiryeseong-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-827, Korea
Tel: 02-6488-3052, Fax: 02-6488-3098, E-Mail:[email protected]
Default Setting: Same as the window on the left.
Lock 1 and Lock 2 Open Time (milliseconds)
Lock activation times can be programmed from 300ms to
999999ms. (maximum is 99.999=100 seconds)
Lock 1 and Lock 2 Options
Not Used – select this option if not using the lock outputs
Authorized – select this option if you want to provide an output signal when a user is
authorized. i.e. Lamp Signal
Unauthorized – select this option if you want to provide an output signal when a user is
unauthorized. i.e. Lamp Signal
Trouble – select this option if you want to provide an output signal when the terminal has a
trouble condition, the only monitored trouble condition is ‘case tamper’. An external controller
can be notified when this event occurs. If a door is forced open this output will also activate.
Motor Lock 1 – Select this if connecting a motor lock to the terminal to control when the lock is
Motor Lock 2 – Select this if connecting a motor lock to the terminal to control when the lock is
Strike/Auto – Select this if connecting a strike type or auto door lock to the terminal.
Scheduled – In the server program if you program the schedules and send the schedule to the
terminal, the terminal will activate the output when the schedule becomes active. This can be
used to turn on an external device during specific times of the day for a specific duration.
For motor lock settings normally two outputs are used. You should select Motor Lock 1 for Lock 1 and
Motor Lock 2 for lock 2. The terminal will automatically set Lock 1 and Lock 2 if you program for Motor
3.7.5. Terminal Wiegand