eNCard-i User guide
NITGEN Co., Ltd. /
(Bangi-dong) 6 Wiryeseong-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-827, Korea
Tel: 02-6488-3052, Fax: 02-6488-3098, E-Mail:[email protected]
hour) For example current time is 11:14:00pm, enter ‘2’
‘3’ ’1’ ’4’ ‘0’ ’0’ and then press OK when finished. If a number
is invalid or there is no entry, pressing OK will do nothing.
Select the [OK] button to save the value or select [BACK] button to cancel and return.
3.6.6. Database
If you select the [System]->[Database]
in the main menu, the following window appears.
Delete All Users: This option will allow you to delete all
users in the system
Clear Settings: This option will clear/delete all the terminal
settings. The factory settings will be used. User, log data and
pictures will not be deleted.
Clear Log Data: This option will clear/delete all the log
data in the terminal. This will not delete picture log data or
terminal settings
Clear Picture Logs: This option will clear/delete all the
picture log data. The terminal can hold up to 70,000 pictures
(user pictures + log pictures). If you need more user
database pictures you can delete the picture logs
Factory Init: This option will reset the terminal settings,
delete all the picture logs, delete all users and all log
Select the [OK] button to save the value or select [BACK] button to cancel and return.