eNCard-i User guide
NITGEN Co., Ltd. /
(Bangi-dong) 6 Wiryeseong-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-827, Korea
Tel: 02-6488-3052, Fax: 02-6488-3098, E-Mail:[email protected]
Fire Monitor (NC/NO) – If you have an external device that has a fire output, the terminal
will monitor when the device detects a fire alarm. The terminal will show a fire icon and
give an audible warning tone; if any doors are connected to the terminal the terminal will
open the doors. When this signal is activated, the server software will also be notified of
the fire signal to alert other terminals connected on the network.
Wiegand Mode (NC/NO) – If using wiegand output, this input can be used to verify the
external controller acknowledged the card data that was sent on the wiegand output.
i.e Card Scanned at terminal, card data sent to external controller using standard wiegand
output, the terminal will wait until the external controller sets this input high or low to
acknowledge the card was accepted by the controller.
Select the [OK] button to save the value or select [BACK] button to cancel and return.
3.7.4. Terminal Lock
If you select the [Terminal] -> [Lock settings] in the main menu, the following windows
appear. See the installation guide for details how to connect a lock to the terminal.