Reference Manual for EL470 IP Satellite Modem
Masked alarm
: Under specific circumstances you are allowed to mask alarms.
However, be careful because the alarm will be ignored when it occurs and all
subsequent actions (like disabling of RF transmit) will not be taken. This could
be dangerous. Therefore you should only consider to mask alarms after you
have consulted Newtec technical support. You can only mask alarms in expert
mode. When you return to the normal device operating mode the alarms remain
Forced alarm
: while performing test and installation procedures it might be
useful to simulate an alarm, e.g. by triggering a simulated redundancy switch
over. You can only force an alarm in expert mode. As soon as you return to the
normal device operating mode, the forced alarms are reset to normal. The
alarm relay contacts – more thoroughly explained in the User Manual – only
close when a general device alarm and the interface alarm occur. When you
force, for example, the external 10 MHz reference alarm, only this alarm is
raised and not the general device alarm. To test the redundancy switching
systems, force either the general device alarm or the interface alarm.
Alarm times
The start and stop time of an alarm are logged.
Press "
" to show these times. When the alarm is not present (memorised or
active) the time indication is empty. When an alarm is present and active the
start time is displayed and the stop time mentions "still active". When an alarm
is memorised, both the start and stop time are displayed.
Start: Tue Dec 9 10:11:53
Stop: still active
version 3.1