ChipSHOUTER Users Manual
: Serial Interface
[get / set] pat_wave [011100…0]
[g / s] w
Configure pulse pattern, takes binary string as
input. There is a maximum length of 67 characters
due to internal buffers, you can extend the wave
further using the pat_append command. If using
long pattern triggers the API allows easier down-
loading of complex waveforms.
Note the pattern trigger “active” value depends on
the setting of hwtrig_mode. If the external hard-
ware trigger is set to active-low, the pattern
trigger will follow this (a ‘0’ causes a pulse).
The pattern trigger MUST END WITH AN INACTIVE
VALUE to prevent a trigger error, for example end-
ing with a ‘0’ when the ChipSHOUTER is in active-
high trigger mode (the default).
set pat_wave 0111000
set pat_wave 01111000000000000111111000
set pat_append [111000…0]
s wa
Adds input string of binary values to trigger pat-
tern. Useful to extend waveform past allowed
length that can be sent in one message.
set pat_wave 0111
set pat_append 00000011100
# armed:
g w
# pat_wave 011100000011100
set fault none
s f n
Clear latched faults, if an active fault is pre-
sent the fault will still prevent arming.