What is the GigaStor? | 7
6. By default the active instance is called “Instance 1” and there are no passive instances. Rename the active
instance to something more meaningful (for instance, “Active Instance”) and create at least two passive
instances. (You can create more passive instances later if you wish.) Although you renamed the GigaStor
probe in
, renaming the probe instance is different. For details, see
attention to the special instructions if your GigaStor array is larger than 256 TB.
7. Set the adapter speed for the active instance. See .
8. The purpose of a GigaStor probe is to capture and store large amounts of data. By default the GigaStor is not
set to capture any data. It must be enabled. To do that, you must have the GigaStor capture running. See
Configuring probes to collect data even when not connected to an analyzer
9. Using a passive probe instance, begin analyzing the traffic you are capturing. See
After you have collected data, you will want to see what is happening on your network. See:
Mining data from your GigaStor (page 32)
Reconstructing streams of HTTP, VoIP, and more (page 39)
Examining your network traffic with forensic analysis (page 44)
Analyzing FIX transactions (page 60)
Although not a complete list, these are common optional settings you may want to change. Use
these options along with the rest of the information in this user guide to fine-tune your GigaStor.
Although not a complete list, these are common optional settings you may want to change. Use
these options along with the rest of the information in
Using the GigaStor Control Panel (page
10. (Optional) If you want to track physical ports individually, ensure you enable “Track statistics information per
physical port.” See
Setting GigaStor's basic options
11. (Optional) If you want to define the different subnets of your network so that GigaStor can track and report
on them, see
Defining your subnets in GigaStor
12. (Optional) All GigaStor probes come with a Gen2 capture card.Details about this unique capture card,
including physical port indexing orvirtual adapters, is covered in
13. (Optional) Since a GigaStor is designed to have several concurrent users attached to it, you should add user
accounts to your probe. See and .
14. (Optional) Your reports and displays may be more complete and readable if you add devices to the GigaStor
probe’s address book and define any custom applications to the list maintained by the probe.
15. (Optional) The default settings for the Observer analyzer is to not be aware of TCP connections that were
opened after the GigaStor or packet capture started. You can change this default setting.
a. Mine some data from the GigaStor. See
Analyzing data without any filters (page 35)
Decode and Analysis tab.
b. Ensure the Expert Analysis tab is selected, then click the
button at the top. The Expert Global
Settings window opens.
c. Click the
TCP/IP tab
and clear the “Follow only newly opened TCP connections” option. A
TCP connection is any connection established after Expert Analysis was started. If the conversation
started before Expert Analysis was started, Observer cannot see it.
What is the GigaStor?
The GigaStor is a specialized probe appliance for capturing, storing, and analyzing high levels of network traffic
over long periods of time.