Troubleshooting your GigaStor configuration | 91
Troubleshooting your GigaStor configuration
GigaStor Control Panel option is grayed out
If the Capture > GigaStor Control Panel option is grayed out and unavailable, one of two things has likely
You are not looking at a probe instance (passive or active) from the GigaStor probe. Verify you are using
a probe instance for the GigaStor probe. If you are, then consider the next option.
You are viewing a Packet Capture instead of the GigaStor Control Panel. You can only view one or the
other. You cannot view both simultaneously. Close the Packet Capture window, then choose Capture >
GigaStor Control Panel.
Now that you are viewing the GigaStor Control Panel, you may want to change your packet capture scheduling
and ensuring that you do a “GigaStor” capture rather than a packet capture.
GigaStor is full or does not have the history you expect
Your GigaStor has several terabytes of hard drive space to capture your network’s traffic. The GigaStor probe will
save data until its drives are full, then one of two things will happen.
The GigaStor will stop capturing packets and saving them to disk or it starts overwriting the oldest data first so
that you have a rolling window of capture. The option that controls how the GigaStor behaves in the Settings—
General Options tab.
If you do not have as much history as you think you should, then consider:
Pre-filtering your captures. Although this will provide more space for your captures, by definition you are
excluding some traffic. The traffic you exclude may be just the traffic you need to analyze at some point.
Capturing only partial packets. If you do not need to analyze the payload of every packet, then consider
capturing the headers of packets.
Purchasing a larger capacity GigaStor probe.
TCP applications are not appearing in the GigaStor Control Panel
If the GigaStor Control Panel is not displaying all of the applications you expect to see, ensure the “Limit to ports
defined in Protocol Definitions” in Settings >General is unchecked.
Loading decodes in the Observer analyzer is slow
If your Observer analyzer is taking a long time to load a decode from a GigaStor probe, you may be attempting
to mine too much data. Too improve performance, use filters to limit the packets you want to decode, shorten
the time frame you are mining, or both.
Loading decodes may also be impacted if you are using the “data capture time slice” feature, which ensures that
the GigaStor’s write performance takes priority over mining performance. The default setting is that writing and
reading have the same priority.
A RAID array drive is failing or has failed
It is necessary to have realistic expectations of component maintenance; specifically the individual disk drives
that make up the GigaStor RAID array. Our engineering methods prioritize reliability and performance. There are
many processes involved, from sourcing the best server-grade drives available to being consistent with burn-in
to tracking reliability.