54 | GigaStor™ (pub. 25.Apr.2014)
4. Choose whether you want any filters and select Microburst analysis in the Analysis Type section.
5. Define what a microburst is for your network and click
. The results appear in the Microburst Analysis
tab. For details, see Duration, Utilization threshold, and Full duplex. It may take a moment for the GigaStor
Control Panel to process the data and display the results.
Using the Detail Chart only
The longest time frame that can be analyzed with the Detail Chart method is 15 minutes. You may be better off
using the Microburst Analysis tab instead. See
Using the Microburst Analysis tab in the GigaStor Control Panel
Microburst analysis is easier to comprehend using bars instead of lines on the Detail Chart. Choose Settings
> Detailed Chart and change the appearance to 2D Columns. Depending on your preferences, at times you may
also wish to change the Y-axis scale to 100 when you are viewing the chart as Percent of duration Intervals with
When you change between the Percent and Number charts, the bars may not appear to change. If you look
closely, you will notice that the numbers on the vertical axis change as does the title of the chart.
To enable microburst analysis and define what on your network qualifies as a microburst:
1. Select the probe instance and then choose Capture > GigaStor Control Panel.
2. Click the Screen resolution box, which opens the Microburst Analysis options.
3. Select Enable Microburst Analysis and choose your settings. When you make changes to these options,
the Detail Chart changes. Sometimes it is a very subtle change. All of these options are interrelated. By
changing any
of these settings, you change what is determined to be a microburst. When that changes,
the graphs change. Change only one option at a time, then view your changes.
Figure 9: Microburst analysis options
Screen resolution
(Interval/Total Time): The screen resolution is two numbers that define the length of time
shown in the Detail Chart. The first number is the interval length, which when looking at a bar chart, is each
bar. The second number is the total time of all of the intervals on the chart, although if an interval does not
have any bursts the interval will not have a bar. The interval is used along with Duration to determine how