Supported Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 models
This user manual describes the following Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 models:
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 Router (Model SXR50)
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 Satellite (Model SXS50)
Note: To manage your Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 router and any Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400
satellites that are connected to your Orbi Pro WiFi 6 network, you must manage them
from your Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 router web interface.
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 router and satellite
hardware overviews
The following sections display and describe the hardware features of the Orbi Pro WiFi 6
AX5400 router (model SXR50) and Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 satellite (model SXS50).
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 router model SXR50 hardware
Figure 1. Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 router model SXR50, front and back views
1. Bar LED
2. Sync button (also used for WPS connection)
User Manual
Overview and Setup
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 Router Model SXR50 and Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 Satellite Model SXS50