When you repeat the upgrade procedure, you have to approve previously upgraded nodes.
Related information
NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool
Upgrade SANtricity OS on storage controllers using maintenance mode
Upgrade SANtricity OS on storage controllers using maintenance mode
For storage controllers currently using SANtricity OS older than (11.42), you
must use the maintenance mode procedure to apply an upgrade.
What you’ll need
• You have consulted the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) to confirm that the SANtricity OS version
you are using for the upgrade is compatible with your appliance.
• If the StorageGRID appliance is running in a StorageGRID system, the SG6000-CN controller has been
placed in maintenance mode.
Maintenance mode interrupts the connection to the storage controller.
Place appliance into maintenance mode
About this task
Do not upgrade the SANtricity OS or NVSRAM in the E-Series controller on more than one StorageGRID
appliance at a time.
Upgrading more than one StorageGRID appliance at a time might cause data unavailability,
depending on your deployment model and ILM policies.
1. From a service laptop, access SANtricity System Manager and sign in.
2. Download the new SANtricity OS Software file and NVSRAM file to the management client.
The NVSRAM is specific to the StorageGRID appliance. Do not use the standard NVSRAM
3. Follow the instructions in the
Upgrading SANtricity OS
guide or the SANtricity System Manager online help
to upgrade the firmware and NVSRAM.
Activate the upgrade files immediately. Do not defer activation.
4. If this procedure completed successfully and you have additional procedures to perform while the node is
in maintenance mode, perform them now. When you are done, or if you experienced any failures and want
to start over, select
Reboot Controller
, and then select one of these options:
Reboot into StorageGRID
Reboot into Maintenance Mode
to reboot the controller with the node remaining in
maintenance mode. Select this option if you experienced any failures during the procedure and want to
start over. After the node finishes rebooting into maintenance mode, restart from the appropriate step in