TERMINOLOGY ************************************************************************************************
The microcomputer based 8 Zone CONTROL
If you wish to protect one area while you
PANEL forms the heart of your security system
occupy another, MONITOR MODE allows
and connects to all other equipment. Each
selected zones to be Armed while leaving
ZONE of the Panel will be connected to one or
others Disarmed.
more detection devices to protect an area such
as the front door, hallway, windows, etc.
The Control Panel housing and the metal
covers over external sirens are protected by
The Panel is said to be ARMED when it is set
TAMPER switches to detect someone
to detect an intruder. At other times it is
attempting to disable the security system.
Activation of these switches will cause an
Normally a zone is considered SECURED
Activation of a detector will cause the zone to
If a detector becomes faulty, you can
be UNSECURED and may cause an alarm.
EXCLUDE the associated zone so that it is
totally ignored and cannot generate an alarm.
Detectors such as fire detectors and panic
INCLUDING the zone will enable it to generate
buttons must be able to generate an alarm at
an alarm again.
all times regardless of the Panel setting. A
zone with this assignment is called a 24 HOUR
The Control Panel is fitted with a STAND-BY
BATTERY to ensure your security system
continues to operate it the MAINS POWER is
Before leaving the premises you must ARM the
interrupted. This battery is checked every hour
Panel to enable it to detect intruders and
and whenever you Arm the Panel.
generate an alarm. After ARMING, the Panel
will ignore most detectors for the EXIT DELAY
Whenever an alarm occurs, it may be silenced
TIME to enable you to depart without triggering
by entering an ACCESS CODE, otherwise it
an alarm.
will reset at the end of RESET TIME. All
alarms are stored in MEMORY and may be
When you enter the premises the Panel will
retrieved at any time by entering MEMORY
ignore selected zones for the ENTRY DELAY
TIME and will not alarm unless you fail to
DISARM the panel during this allowed time.