If a detector becomes faulty and cannot be
All the lights will be turned off and then the
secured when Arming the Panel, then its zone
Zone Excluded light will show a steady light.
may be excluded, ie. ignored by the system so
You may now exclude zones.
that it does not generate false alarms. Zones
can only be excluded during the EXIT DELAY
To exclude say, zones 4 and 8 after Arming,
To enter the Exclude mode, FIRST ARM THE
7E 4E 8E E
PANEL and then press 7E.
Zone lights 4 and 8 will turn on.
1. ARM the Panel.
2. Press
(7) (END)
3. Enter the zone(s) to be EXCLUDED
4. To Exit and save Exclusion
If you make a mistake, enter the zones number again to remove it from your selection.
Zones which you exclude will be indicated by the relevant zone light Showing a steady light in
the exclude mode.
Premises can achieve a higher level of security by partially arming the control panel when
people still occupy some areas To do this first Arm the Panel and then exclude those zones
those zones and depart the premises. The exit delay time will be automatically re- enabled
allowing them time to depart.
Zones which have been Excluded, may be
The main reason for providing the capability to
included while you are in the Armed, Disarm or
include zones, is to allow an easy means for
Monitor modes.
employees working back to include their own
areas on leaving the premises. The Exit Time
All Excluded zones are automatically Included
will re-start automatically.
when the panel is Disarmed. Thus if a detector is
still faulty it must be Excluded again.
Pressing 7E will light the zone lights for the
zones that have been Excluded.
To Include, say, zones 4 and 8 press,
7E 4E 8E E
Zone lights 4 and 8 will turn off.
1. Press
(7) (END)
2. Enter the zone(s) to be INCLUDED
3. To Exit and save Inclusion
An attempt to include a zone which has not already been excluded, will result in one long beep and the zone remains unchanged.
If you make a mistake selecting a zone to Include, it is not possible to exclude that zone,
without returning to the Exclude Zone option
Any or all zones may be assigned to control the
By using the keypad it is possible to over-ride
Auxiliary Output. While any of these zone(s) are
the zones controlling the output. If the output is
unsecured, the Auxiliary output will be turned on
on, press 9E and it will turn off. Press 9E
Thus all zones must be secured for the
again and it will turn on.
Auxiliary output to be turned off.
(9) (END)
You cannot change the Auxiliary output while in the Program, Memory or Exclude mode