The NEMTEK 8-way Smart IO Board can be used for one-to-one communication to a Druid
2x energizer or 8-way Relay Board. This is useful where the energizer needs remote
communication to a third-party device like an alarm panel. The board provides 8 inputs
and 8 relay outputs that can be independently linked to different inputs and outputs of the
energizer (or 8-way Relay Board), by using the software application. The figure below
shows the possible connections. Although the boards and energizers are connected on an
Ethernet network in the third diagram, every Smart IO Board can only communicate to one
energizer. The ethernet link between the two network switches can be replaced with an
optic fibre link if longer distances are required. The NEMTEK Power Pack may be used to
provide a 12V supply with battery backup to the FG7 and 8-way Smart IO Board.
9 8-Way Smart IO Board Setup