7 RS485 Network Q
3. For the RS485/fibre converters on the FG7 side:
a. Connect the GND, A and B wires coming
from the output of the FG7 to the GND,
RX+ and RX- of all the RS485/fibre
b. Connect the A and B wires going to the
input of the FG7 to the TX+ and TX- of
all the RS485/fibre converters. It is not
necessary to connect the ground wire.
c. Connect the fibre optic cable going to
the RX port of the RS485/fibre converter
at the energizers or relay boards, to the
TX port.
d. Connect the fibre optic cable going to
the TX port of the RS485/fibre converter
at the energizers or relay boards, to the
RX port.
4. For the RS485/fibre converters on the energizer/relay board side:
Set up the RS485/fibre converters as explained in step 4 of the previous topology.
5. For the Druid LCD 2x:
Set up the energizer as explained in step 5 of the previous topology.
6. For the RS485 8-way Relay Board:
Set up the relay board as explained in step 6 of the previous topology.
7. For the NEMTEK GPS Module:
For the GPS module setup refer to step 6 in the section 6.1 section.