Corrects the horizontal and vertical error for each color and align the
red and blue to the green.
• The dynamic convergence adjustment should be performed for
each CRT (R and B) separately.
• Select the CROSS-COARSE test pattern using the TEST button on
the full function remote control.
Proceed as follows:
Press the ADJUST button to display the “ADJUST” menu.
• The projector may ask you to enter your passcode.
See page 52 for the explanation of the PASSCODE.
Use the CURSOR
button to highlight the “4/CONVER-
GENCE” line. Press ENTER to display the “CONVERGENCE”
menu. You can also select the “CONVERGENCE” menu directly
by pressing the INPUT “4” button.
• ”6/R, G, B GAIN” is not included in stand alone adjust menu.
Use the CURSOR
button to select the preferred item and
then press ENTER. You can also select directly the dynamic
convergence item by pressing an INPUT button.
• The selected adjustment will be displayed.
See pages 44 and 45 for the explanation of the selected adjust-
NOTE: You can also select adjustments directly using buttons
on the full function remote control. If you are in the ALIGN-
MENT mode (see page 36), press and hold down the CTL
button then press the R or B button. This will bring you to the
CONVERGENCE adjustment screen. To select “LINEAR-BAL”
convergence, press and hold down the CTL button then press
the LINEAR button.
Press the R or B button to display the CRT beam to be aligned
with the Green pattern.
• You can turn on or off each CRT beam (R and B) separately.
Dynamic Convergence Adjustment
– A D J U S T –
1 / S I G N A L E N T R Y
2 / F O C U S
3 / A L I G N M E N T
4 / C O N V E R G E N C E
5 / W H I T E B A L
6 / R , G , B G A I N
7 / H O U R M E T E R
8 / P A S S C O D E
9 / O P T I O N
– C O N V E R G E N C E –
1 / T I L T , S K E W
2 / B O W
3 / A M P L I T U D E
4 / L I N E A R I T Y
5 / K E Y - S T O N E
6 / P I N - C U S H I O N
7 / L I N E A R - B A L
8 / P O I N T