This option is not yet available.
Enable RPORT:
This option is not yet available.
Keep alive time:
SIP/RTP Settings
Leave this setting at default (5060).
Local SIP port:
Not used by DSX.
Leave this setting at default (50004).
RTP port:
This option is not yet available.
RTP port range:
Not used by DSX.
Set to Static. Plug-n-Play is not applicable to DSX.
SIP registration mode:
Save the entries on this page and immediately reboot the AP20 Access Point.
With DSX you would not normally have to do this.
Save and Reboot:
Save all the entries on the page.
Cancel any new entries you have made to the on-screen settings. The settings
will return to their previously saved values.
Table 5: Management
In addition to allowing you to enter a custom name for the AP20 Access Point, the Management screen
provides the options for setting up logs and traces. If you want to take advantage of these maintenance
options, refer to Appendix A in the ML440 and AP20 System Installation Guide (NDA-31192) for more.
Enter a descriptive name for the AP20 Access Point.
Base Station Name:
Refer to Appendix A in the ML440 and AP20 System Installation Guide
(NDA-31192) for more on these option.
SIP Log Server
Management Transfer
Upload of SIP Log:
Trace Server:
44 | DSX |
ML440 Wireless IP DECT Quick Reference Guide
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