ML440 Feature Key Reference
Key Type
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)
Off: Covered extension is idle.
On: Covered extension is busy.
Slow Flash: Covered extension is ringing.
Fast Flash: Covered extension is in DND.
Press key to answer call ringing Pickup Group. There
are two types of Group Call Pickup keys: Immediate
Ring and Lamp Only (no ring).
Group Pickup
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)
Off: No call is ringing the pickup group.
Slow Flash: A call is ringing the pickup group.
Press key to Page into assigned zone.
Page Zone
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)
Off: The assigned Page zone is idle.
On:You are paging into the assigned Page zone is
Fast Flash: A co-worker is paging into the assigned
Page zone.
Press key to dial stored number.
System Speed Dial
There is no BLF for this key type.
Press key to dial stored number.
Personal Speed Dial
There is no BLF for this key type.
Not available on ML440.
Call Timer
Press key to record conversation into mailbox.
Voice Mail Record
You must have voice mail installed to use this
A voice prompt and optional beep will remind
you that your calls are being recorded.
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)
Off: Conversation Record is off.
Fast Flash: Conversation Record is on.
Press key to activate night mode.
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)
On: Night mode is on.
Off: Night mode is off.
Not available on ML440.
ML440 Wireless IP DECT Quick Reference Guide
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