9 Testing with Zodiac Diagnostic or Clinical - Stand-Alone
It is recommended that you perform a tympanometric test before making any acoustic reflex measurement
and determine the acoustic reflex threshold before making a reflex decay measurement.
If you have performed a tympanometric test, where the tympanogram is very steep (TW is less than 40 daPa), a
TPP offset is automatically applied to stabilize the reflex measurement.
Use Manual Tympanometry for ETF-I. In Manual Tympanometry you can facilitate the equalization maneuvers by keeping the
pressure between measurements.
Acoustic reflex testing
Madsen Zodiac determines acoustic reflexes automatically using different stimulus levels.
Perform a tympanometric test before making any acoustic reflex measurement and determine the acoustic reflex threshold
before making a reflex decay measurement.
High intensity levels
Whenever an intensity level exceeds the warning level (> 100 dB HL), a warning message will be shown, and you will be
prompted to decide whether to continue or to move on to the next stimulus type.
Reflex Threshold testing
This test is supported by Madsen Zodiac Diagnostic and Madsen Zodiac Clinical.
You can record a reflex threshold either as a separate measurement or as part of a diagnostic sequence. In Sequence
testing, the test automatically suggests the threshold level. Always carefully review this result and adjust it if necessary.
In the following you will find the description for performing reflex threshold testing as a single test. This means that the
sequence function is not enabled.
Reflex Threshold automatically follows the tympanometry sweep if you start the
Tymp + Reflex Threshold
sequence (see
Sequence testing 48
Do not conduct tests on patients with symptoms of hyperacusis, using loud acoustic stimuli without
confirmation from the medical doctor.
Always comply with local practice and recommendations to maintain the pressure levels in the ear
canal while presenting loud stimuli.
The user will see a warning message about high stimulus intensity level if the warning limit is reached.