insert phone(s)
bone conductor
patient responder
Madsen A450 and the Audiometry module
Make sure the cables of the test equipment are connected correctly.
Launch Otosuite and the Audiometry module on the PC (see the Otosuite User Guide).
Make sure Madsen A450 is switched on.
Make sure the connection between the Audiometry module and Madsen A450 is enabled.
Configuring the Audiometry Module
Listening check
Perform listening checks routinely to make sure that the equipment is functioning properly.
Use a person who has auditory thresholds below 10 dB and make sure that he or she can hear a very faint sound for
each stimulus type, frequency and for each transducer at 0 to 5 dB.
If the person cannot hear the stimulus, contact the manufacturer or local representative to troubleshoot the system.
Calibrate the system annually or according to local requirements.
Madsen A450
3 Preparing for testing