You might be able to see the input level in your recording software. In Cubase® LE,
the input level is displayed when the recording is stopped, on the corresponding au-
dio channel, both in the Track List meter and in the mixer strip for that channel.
Now everything is ready, you can start the recording via one of the various methods
described in your recording software operation manual (for example, simply click
on the
Record button
in the
Transport Bar
One more time, this is a very short presentation of what you can achieve when work-
ing with AUDIO KONTROL 1 and any serious recording software. Don’t hesitate to
spend some time in the recording software manual; it will allow you to obtain high
quality recordings in more complex setups.
6.2. Controlling a Sequencer - Creating Assignments
with Key Commands
We will now look at two other cases, in which AUDIO KONTROL 1’s Remote Control
allows you to pilot your music software as you wish.
The first case deals with a sequencer application. Major sequencers are huge pieces
of software with hundreds of functions. Depending on what you are doing, you often
need only part of these functions. Here we will use AUDIO KONTROL 1’s ability
to reproduce keyboard commands. All major sequencers have endless keyboard
shortcuts assignments, covering numerous software functions. By assigning the
most often used functions to the Remote Control, you can save time by avoiding
the most often repeated mouse and/or keyboard actions.
Naturally, we will use Cubase® LE for this Use Case. Whether you are using this se-
quencer or another, we recommend you refer to your sequencer’s operation manual
to get all relevant information about the software’s keyboard commands.