Section 14- Archived Data and Data Viewer
Users may select the maximum number of individual plots (up to 20) graphed per page. Since a report
can hold data for many samples and a graph page is limited to 20 plots, additional sample spectra are displayed on
new pages. Each page is then referred to as a set.
Positioning the cursor over the legend box will bring up a visual display matching the sample name to a plot
color. The user is not able to select or highlight a sample from the legend.
Sample information:
Automatically populates with data associated with selected sample. Data displayed is
appropriate for data type chosen. Note: Information is based on data collected at the time the sample was measured
and is not modified by a change in cursor position on the Data Viewer real time display.
Movable x and y axis:
Available for all data types. If the cursor is out of view in either direction- rescale the axis by
typing over one of the outer limit numbers. The cursor absorbance information displayed at the bottom of the page is
determined by the position of the movable cursors. The movable X determines the baseline from which the peak of
the Y position is calculated. Reset Baseline will reposition the x axis back to zero.
The Reports page displays the data for selected samples in a table format. The user may modify column configurations
for each method type and save multiple customized formats
Some key options useful for the Reports page are accessible through the Report tool bar drop down.
Choosing the ‘Configure Report’ option brings up the following box:
Selecting ‘OK’ will return the user to the reports page displaying only the columns of interest.
Report Features include:
Allows users to sort data by column (example-by date or sample name) and by either ascending or descending