NAL Research Corporation (451-93156-002A)
Exec Command: ^MPTNC =
Enable or disable the modem power toggle functionality out of a data connection. When not in a
data connection, after there has been a two minute period of inactivity, there will be a check
sent to determine if the modem is still responding. If it is not, the modem will power cycle and
return in command mode.
<mode> takes the following values:
0 Disable the MPT functionality out of a data call.
1 Enable the MPT functionality out of a data call.
Read Command: ^MPTNC?
Query the current modem power toggle not data connection mode. The response is in the form:
^MPTNC: <mode>
Test Command: ^MPTNC=?
List the supported modem power toggle not data connection modes. The response is in the
^MPTNC: (supported <mode>s)
A.8.134 ^MSB – Motion Sensor Begin
Exec Command: ^MSB=<m>,<s>
This determines the number of minutes to look for motion for before the unit wakes up.
<m>: Number of minutes to wait to determine movement. The range is from 0 to 60. The
value of 0 means that the unit wakes up after sensing a single motion. Default is 3.
<s>: Sensitivity. How vigorous and consistent the motion must be every minute for the unit
to determine it is in motion. The range is 1 to 26 where 1 requires the least motion and
26 requires the most motion.
Read Command: ^MSB?
Returns the current state for this command.
Test Command: ^MSB=?
Returns a fixed message indicating the ranges this can be set to.
A.8.135 ^PKTS – Use Packets
Exec Command: ^PKTS=<pkts>
Set the unit to send data using packets during a data connection.
<pkts> can have the following values:
Do not use packets
Use packets
Use streaming encryption
Read Command: ^PKTS?
Query the current setting if the unit will use packets. Response is in the form:
^PKTS: <pkts>