NAL Research Corporation (451-93156-002A)
This command is used to transfer a text SBD message from the DTE to the single mobile
originated buffer in the A3LA-RM.
The text message may be entered on the command line:
For example, “AT+SBDWT=hello”
The length of <text message> is limited to 120 bytes. This is due to the length limit on
the AT command line interface.
The message is terminated when a carriage return is entered
Alternatively, the text message may be entered separately:
Upon entering the command “AT+SBDWT”, the A3LA-RM will indicate to the DTE that it
is prepared to receive the message by sending the string “READY<CR><LF>” (hex 52
45 41 44 59 0D 0A) to the DTE
Once the DTE receives the READY indication, the text message must be sent,
terminated by a carriage return
The length of the text message entered in this way is limited only by the maximum
mobile originated message length of 1960 bytes
The mobile originated buffer will be empty upon power-up
If any data is currently in the mobile originated buffer, it will be overwritten
Command Response:
For the “AT+SBDWT” form:
SBD message successfully stored in mobile originated buffer
SBD message write timeout. No terminating carriage return was sent within the
transfer period of 60 seconds.
For the “AT+SBDWT=<text message>” form:
SBD message successfully stored in mobile originated buffer
ERROR An error occurred storing SBD message in mobile originated buffer
A.8.104 +SBDDET – Short Burst Data: Detach
Exec Command: +SBDDET
Initiates an SBD session to detach the A3LA-RM from the Gateway.
Command Response: +SBDDET:<status>,<error>
Detach successfully performed
An error occurred while attempting the detach
Gateway-reported values:
Detach successfully performed
Reserved, but indicate success if used
5..14 Reserved, but indicate failure if used
Access is denied