NAL Research Corporation (451-93156-002A)
call is established and both sides have negotiated parameter values. The value of the register
will be reset to default value (3) after the call is completed.
A.8.32 +DR – Data Compression Report Level
Set Command: +DR=[<mode>]
Set the data compression reporting level.
<mode> can take on the following values:
Disable data compression reporting (default)
Enable data compression reporting
If reporting is enabled, the following intermediate result codes are transmitted by the A3LA-RM:
+DR: NONE No data compression
+DR: V42B Data compression in use in both directions
+DR: V42B RD Data compression in use in receive direction only
+DR: V42B TD Data compression in use in transmit direction only
Read Command: +DR?
Query the current reporting level setting. The response is in the form:
+DR: <mode>
Test Command: +DR=?
List the supported parameter settings. The response is in the form:
+DR: (supported <mode>s)
A.8.33 +CEER – Extended Error Report
Exec Command: +CEER
Execution command causes the A3LA-RM to return information text <report> which offers the
user an extended report of the reason of the failure in the last unsuccessful call setup
(originating or answering) or the reason for last call release. The response is in the form:
+CEER: <report>
An example of a <report> is:
User alerting, no answer
A.8.34 +CHUP – Hangup call
This command causes the A3LA-RM to hangup the current data call.
A.8.35 +CMGD – Delete SMS Message
Exec Command: +CMGD=<index>
Execution command deletes message from preferred message storage <mem1> (<mem1> is
the selected message storage from the +CPMS command) location <index>. If deleting fails,
final result code +CMS ERROR: <cms_err> is returned.
An example of an error report is:
+CMS ERROR: <cms_err>
where <cms_err> can be one of the numbers below:
unassigned number