Section 2
Monitor Compatibility
The liT216 works with all fixed and variable-frequency
analog monitors compatible with the IBM
monitors. The video resolution you can get from the
circuitry depends on the monitor you have. For exam-
ple, some monitors do not work at resolutions higher
than 640x480 because they cannot use the vertical
and horizontal scan rates required for higher resolu-
tions. See Section 4 for more information about moni-
tor requirements.
The possible video resolutions also depend on how
much video memory is installed on the system mother-
board. Section 4 explains each resolution and its
memory requirements. For information about upgrad-
ing the video memory on the system motherboard, see
the system User’s Guide.
Software Compatibility
supports software written for VGA,
EGA, CGA, MDA and HGC video standards. Check
the software documentation to see what video mode
is required by the software.
Version DO1