Chapter 5 – Configuring the RouteFinder Using a Web Browser
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RF560VPN User Guide
VPN Setting Name
Enable NetBIOS
When enabled, will allow Microsoft File and Printer sharing to
communicate information about computers on the network.
Remote Site
Choose whether the remote site will be used by a single user
or a LAN.
Remote IP Network
Enter Remote IP Network address (LAN) for Site B.
Remote IP Netmask
Enter Remote IP Netmask address for Site B.
Remote Gateway
Enter Remote Gateway IP address (WAN) for Site B.
Network Interface
Select a Network Interface from the drop-down list box. Other
options are Auto and Async.
Secure Association
Main Mode
are part of the Internet Key
Exchange (IKE), a protocol for performing automated key
management for IPSec.
is similar but includes a
Key Group.
About IKE:
The RF560VPN can be used with a wide range
of other IKE compliant VPN devices. IKE creates two types of
Security Associations to allow for encrypted traffic.
Once configuration is completed on the firewall to create a
VPN connection, the IKE process automatically negotiates
with the remote VPN device to establish the parameters for
individual Security Associations.
Main Mode
provides for increased security during Phase-1
by encrypting the initial IKE traffic at the expense
Aggressive Mode
is used in cases where the
initial traffic cannot be encrypted, as is the case for dynamic
IP VPN clients or when performance is an important factor.
Manual Mode
is used when the remote VPN device does not
support the IKE standard for key management. Manual Mode
requires more administration effort while providing for lower
overall VPN security, since the same keys are used until the
administrator manually changes them.
Main Mode:
Select Main Mode (the default) to set how
inbound packets will be filtered. Main Mode primarily
encompasses router key exchange and the negotiation of
security policy. Selecting Main Mode activates the remaining
input settings on this screen.
Main Mode
Enter the Required Information for Main Mode, the Secure Association Default:
Perfect Forward
Check the Enabled button.
Encryption Protocol
Select 3DES.
PreShared Key
Enter the PreShared Key name. You can enter an
alphanumeric name, but it must match the security code
for the RouteFinder at site B.
Key Life
Enter the amount of time that tells the router to
renegotiate the Key
28800 sec
= 8 hours
IKE Life Time
Enter the amount of time that tells the router to
renegotiate the IKE security association.
3600 sec
= 60 min
Save the VPN Settings
Click the
button. Your defined connections are displayed at the bottom of this screen where you
can edit or delete them.