Figure 37
Pre-set of the number of shots for one treatment
Display of the connected applicator
The connected applicator will be recognized automatically by the OW100
displayed by its name.
Figure 38
Display of the connected applicator types at the display of the OW100
Display of the remaining number of acoustic waves on the applicator
With a new applicator you can release 100,000 acoustic waves at an energy level of 1-10. At
an energy level of 11-16 the number of total acoustic waves a v a i l a b l e is 70,000. The
number of remaining acoustic waves will be displayed with its actual value. The number of
remaining acoustic waves can be also shown in percentage (%). The following signs inform the
user about the number of acoustic waves.
Full number of acoustic waves
Decreasing number of acoustic waves
The device counts the remaining acoustic waves of the applicator by increments.
Below the counter informs the user about remaining acoustic waves and about the
end of the applicator lifetime (special indicator when 5000 or 5% acoustic waves are
remaining). Once the applicator is end of life, no acoustic wave release is possible
and the applicator has to be changed.