The automatic sharing of communications paths between a large number of users. Allows users to
share a smaller number of frequencies because a repeater or communications path is assigned to a
talkgroup for the duration of a conversation.
Trunking Priority Monitor scan list
A scan list that includes talkgroups that are all from the same trunking system.
Unique shadow key.
Coordinated Universal Time. The international time standard (formerly Greenwich Mean Time, or
GMT). Zero hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich, England, which is located at 0 degrees longitude.
Everything east of Greenwich (up to 180 degrees) is later in time; everything west is earlier. There are
42 time authorities around the world that are constantly synchronizing with each other. Abbreviated as
UTC (English backronym = Universal Time, Coordinated), it is also known as Zulu (Z) Time.
Vehicular Repeater System.
A grouping of channels.