996-203-000-2, Rev. 02
From the Commissioning menu, using the numeric keypad press the ‘7’ key to select the Detection
Modes option. Alternatively, use the
key to move the highlight to the Detection modes option and
press the
key to select. The Detection Modes menu is displayed, as follows:
Detection Modes
One of three possible detection modes may be configured, as described in the table below. Only
one of these modes can be configured at any one time. These can be configured to be manually
activated or automatically activated using the 7-day timers.
If the panel is part of a network each panel MUST be configured with the same Detection Mode settings.
Settings/ Comments
Initiates a Stage 1/
Fire Alarm Signals from detectors are
Stage 1 Timer (0 – 600 seconds)
Stage 2 alarm
registered at the panel but the outputs
Stage 2 Timer (0 – 600 seconds)
are not immediately turned on.
Note: The maximum delay time
The user is given a programmable
(Stage 1 + Stage 2) cannot be greater
time (Stage 1) to acknowledge the alarm.
than 600 seconds.
After acknowledgement, the panel enters
the Investigation Phase. The user is
This mode only applies to
given a programmable time (Stage 2) detectors. Alarm level signals from
to investigate whether the fire is
call points and other inputs will
genuine. The panel MUST be reset
immediately cause the panel to
within this time to avoid the panel
enter a fire alarm condition.
entering a full fire alarm condition and A second fire condition will cancel
activating the outputs.
either stage timer and the panel
will enter a full fire condition and
activate the outputs.
Initiates a
Fire alarm Signals from smoke detectors
Retard-Reset-Restart Period
confirmation mode
are not immediately registered at the
Timer 1 (0 - 60 seconds)
for signals from
panel. This is to provide a level of
Confirmation Period
smoke detectors.
immunity to transient smoke levels
Timer 2 (0 - 60 seconds)
such as from cigarette smoke.
If the fire alarm signal is still present
This mode only applies to smoke
at the end of the Retard-Reset-Restart
detectors. Alarm level signals
time then the panel will enter an alam
from temperature detectors, call
condition and the outputs will be activated.
points or other inputs will
immediately cause the panel to
If the fire alarm signal is not present at
enter a fire alarm condition.
the end of the Retard-Reset-Restart time Each smoke detector initiates its
then the panel will enter a Confirmation
own Retard-Reset-Retard start
period. If this detector (or any non-smoke
time and confirmation period in
detector) enters the fire alarm condition
exactly the same way, even if
within the confirmation period the
other smoke detectors have
panel immediately enters a fire alarm
entered this state.
condition and the outputs will be activated.
Initiates a fire alarm
The analogue level signal from the
Pre-alarm and Alarm Levels for
from a detector at
detector at which the panel will enter
both day and nght (see menu
different sensitivity
a fire alarm condition can be adjusted.
option 1 - night levels) periods
The levels for each detector device
per individual detector.
can be adjusted for both day (occupied)
This does not apply to call points
and night (unoccupied) times.
or digital input modules.
Table 12 - Detection Modes