Using the perforation
Once the Machine is set-up, it can be used to perforate or crease.
1. Perforating and creasing can be carried out simultaneously. However, if any
adjustment is made to the roller tilt mechanism in order to compensate for the
perforation line being “out of square”, this may effect the accuracy of the crease. If this
occurs creasing and perforating must be carried out as separate operations.
2. By adjusting the outfeed drive tyres relative to the drive hubs it is possible to stear
the sheet, (i.e. by placing the tyre on top of the hub one side of the paper will stear
faster on that side).
Turn the mains supply to the machine “off”.
Open the perforator assembly to get access to the drive wheels and hubs.
Using a 2mm allen key, loosen the drive wheel that is to accommodate the blades.
Slide the drive wheel away from any obstructing drive wheels or hubs in order to
mount the blades.
The perforator blades are split into two matching halves
and are fitted to the drive wheels as shown in the
photograph using the four screws supplied.
A hardened anvil is fitted to the drive hub as shown in the
photograph also using the four screws supplied. Again
the anvils are made from matching halves.
CAUTION: The perforator blades are very sharp
and care must be taken whilst handling.
Do not mix the matching pairs of blades or anvils.
Setting the machine
Using a 2.5mm allen key, take one half of the
matching pair of blades and mount on to the
drive wheel. Do not secure the blade.
Mount the other half of the blade to the drive
wheel as shown (Figure 1). Secure the blades
to the wheel ensuring not to over tighten grub
Mark on a single sheet the desired perforating
position. Feed the sheet through the machine
manually until the mark can be seen. Use
this mark to assist in fixing the position of the
perforating drive wheel to the roller drive shaft.
Figure 1