5 - 21 5 - 21
* The program part enclosed by the dotted line is required only when the initial setting is changed.
Analog output enable/
prohibit setting (RWw8)
CH. 1 to CH. 4 output
range setting (RWw9)
Turns ON the initial data
setting request flag (RY19).
Turns OFF the initial data
setting request flag (RY19).
CH. 1 digital value setting
(RWw0) :500
CH. 2 digital value setting
(RWw1) :1000
Turns ON the CH. 1 analog
output enable/prohibit flag
Turns ON the CH. 2 analog
output enable/prohibit flag
Reads the CH. check
code (RWr0, RWr1).
Reads the error code
Turns ON the error reset
request flag (RY1A).
Turns OFF the error reset
request flag (RY1A).
Initial setting change
Error reset
Digital value setting
Analog output enable
AJ65VBTCU-68DAVN Change of initial setting
AJ65VBTCU-68DAVN Setting of digital values
AJ65VBTCU-68DAVN Specification of analog output enable/prohibit
AJ65VBTCU-68DAVN Processing at error occurrence