(d) Precautions for installation, uninstallation and updating when SW6RN-
SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) and SW3RN-SNETP (Ver. 00G or earlier) coex-
When SW6RN-SNETP Ver. 00B or later and SW3RN-SNETP Ver. 00G or
earlier coexist, note that there are restrictions on installation and uninstalla-
1) When installing SW3RN-SNETP (Ver. 00G or earlier) into the personal
computer where SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) has been installed
After installing SW3RN-SNETP, always set the driver setup again.
2) When uninstalling SW3RN-SNETP in the personal computer where
SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) and SW3RN-SNETP (Ver. 00G or
earlier) coexist
Uninstall "SW6RN-SNETP", "SW3RN-SNETP" and "SSCNET commu-
nication driver" once.
After uninstallation, reinstall SW6RN-SNETP and set the driver setup.
3) When updating SW3RN-SNETP to Ver. 00H or later in the personal
computer where SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) and SW3RN-
SNETP (Ver. 00G or earlier) coexist
Refer to Section 3.4.6 (2) (f) 2 1).
(e) Precautions for uninstalling SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) or SW3RN-
SNETP (Ver. 00H or later)
Uninstall SW6RN-SNETP Ver. 00B or later or SW3RN-SNETP Ver. 00H or
later as described below.
1) When SNETP does not coexist
a) When uninstalling SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later)
Uninstall "SW6RN-SNETP" and "SSCNET communication driver".
b) When uninstalling SW3RN-SNETP (Ver. 00H or later)
Uninstall "SW3RN-SNETP" and "SSCNET communication driver".
2) When SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) and SW3RN-SNETP (Ver.
00H or later) coexist
a) When uninstalling SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) only
Uninstall "SW6RN-SNETP" only. (Do not uninstall the "SSCNET
communication driver".)
b) When uninstalling SW3RN-SNETP (Ver. 00H or later) only
Uninstall "SW3RN-SNETP" only. (Do not uninstall the "SSCNET
communication driver".)
c) When uninstalling both SW6RN-SNETP (Ver. 00B or later) and
SW3RN-SNETP (Ver. 00H or later)
Uninstall "SW6RN-SNETP", "SW3RN-SNETP" and "SSCNET com-
munication driver".