Gain adjustment in actual operation
3.6 Gain adjustment in actual operation
Prepare rolls of minimum, medium, and maximum diameters. (If a roll of medium diameter is not available, obtain P/I gain by
• Speed control "P" gain, speed control "I" gain (Real sensorless vector control/Vector control)
• Dancer "PID" gain
Speed control P/I gain adjustment (Real sensorless vector control/Vector control)
Set "P" gain as high as possible without setting "I" gain as a basic principle so that inverter acting as a proportional amplifier
returns high response to the command from dancer roll.
Before sending material, adjust dancer roll by applying load to each spool shaft.
At this time, at least make adjustment with maximum diameter roll and minimum diameter roll.
Speed control P/I gain adjustment flowchart
Set "0" in
Pr. 821 Speed control integral time 1
(Initial value is 0.333s)
Adjustment with the minimum-diameter roll
Pr. 820 Speed control P gain 1
by 10% increments, and
adjust the gain to "the value of setting right before vibration/noise
is produced"
"0.8 to 0.9" throughout minimum speed to
maximum speed.
Make a memo of the setting (A) in
Pr. 820 Speed control P gain 1
this time.
Maximum-diameter roll is not
Perform "Dancer PID gain adjustment"
(refer to page 24)
, and wind
to the maximum diameter while adjusting
Pr. 820 Speed control P
gain 1
Adjustment with the maximum-diameter roll
Pr. 820 Speed control P gain 1
by 10% increments, and
adjust the gain to "the setting right before vibration/noise is
"0.8 to 0.9" throughout minimum speed to maximum
Make a memo of the setting (B) in
Pr. 820 Speed control P gain 1
this time.
See the next page.