miniDSP Ltd, Hong Kong /
/ Features and specifications subject to change without prior notice
Channels can be displayed individually or in groups. To link channels into a group, drag a channel name onto the
channel currently being displayed. When channels are linked, their graphs display together, and they share the
same target curve.
To unlink a channel, click on chain icon to the right of the channel name. It will then be unlinked from the other
channels in the group.
Linking channels makes it easier to experiment with target curves. Initially, you may wish to link all
speaker channels together. Once you have target curves that sound right to you in your installation,
then experiment with different target curves for different groups e.g. for front and rear.
The response graphs can be viewed at a larger scale. To zoom in and out:
Drag-select a region of the graph to zoom in on it. (Click the left button, move the mouse while holding
the button, release the button.) You can then drag-select a region again to zoom in further.
Double-click on the graph to zoom back out to the previous zoom level, or click on the
small “–” sign next to the zoom indicator at the top right of the display.