Configuration MC130x
Users Manual Rev. 2.1
6.13 Digital gain
In low light conditions this feature can enhance the brightness of an
image. The digital gain multiplies the grey value of every pixel by
factor of 1, 2, 4 or 8. The range of the grey levels per pixel decrease
(division by 2,4 or 8).
x = 0: Gain factor 1
x = 4: Gain factor 2
x = 8: Gain factor 4
x = C
: Gain factor 8
6.14 Image counter
If a sequence of frames is to be recorded for long time at a high
frame rate, it can be useful to mark the images for later identifica-
tion or check for completeness.
MC130x has a 16-Bit image counter whose count can replace the
first two pixel of every image. The image counter is cleared with
every low to high transition of r6[4], the camera enable bit. It is
incremented by every new image.
6.15 ImageBLITZ
shutter release
ImageBLITZ can replace an external signal (e.g.: a light barrier) to
release the shutter. Like a light barrier, ImageBLITZ is used to cap-
ture fast moving objects on the exact same position on the image.
Contrary to the light barrier, ImageBLITZ uses the same informa-
tion as condition to release the shutter as the then exposed image.