Configuration MC130x
Users Manual Rev. 2.1
The FPGA is also configured after each power up.
Response: none
6.9 Test image
For testing of camera logic and video data transmission, sensor data
can be replaced by an internal grey scale pattern with pixel values
of 0..127. Use digital gain command to see pixel values of 0..255.
Response: none
6.10 FDV (frame data valid) low time
Some frame grabbers need some time between images for internal
activities. MC130x’s internal FDV low time (Tfdvl, vertical sync
inactive) is as long as the LDV low time.
If this is too short, this time can be increased to a value of app.
40µs (@typ. pixel clock) If this feature is active, some lines at the
beginning of an image are not transmitted.
short FDV low
Response: none
The table below shows the time dependencies on setting or clearing
Bit 5 in register 7.