Other applications
Removing the jars after bottling
Risk of injury caused by hot
The jars are very hot after bottling.
Wear oven gloves when removing
the jars from the oven.
Take the jars out of the oven.
Cover the jars with a towel and leave
for approx. 24 hours in a draught-free
After they have cooled down,
reheat pulses and meat a second
time within 2 days.
Remove the fasteners from the jars
and make sure all jars are closed
properly when storing them.
Either boil open jars again or store
them in a cool place and consume the
preserved fruit or vegetables
Check the jars during storage. If jars
have opened during storage or if the
screw cap is bulging and does not
make a popping noise when opened,
destroy the contents.