2019/10/22 16:44
MIDIbox SEQ V4 Beginner's Guide
MIDIbox - http://wiki.midibox.org/
waveform (in the track's FX menu), you select CC#16 and set the value to somewhere between 0 and
o CC#1 (0x01 - Modulation Wheel)
Controls the Morphing Function
o CC#3 (0x03 - Scale)
Controls the Global Scale
o CC#112-CC#115 (0x70-0x73)
Change Pattern of Group #1/2/3/4
o CC#116-CC#119 (0x74-0x77)
Bank Pattern of Group #1/2/3/4
o CC#98 (0x62 - NRPN LSB)
Selects the Sequencer Parameter which should be modified via NRPN
See list below
o CC#99 (0x63 - NRPN MSB)
Selects the Track which should be modified via NRPN
Allowed values: 0..15 for Track 1-16, 127 to modify the current
selected track
All others reserved for future enhancements
o CC#6 (0x06 - NRPN Value, LSB)
Sets a Sequencer Parameter depending on the preselected track and
parameter number
o CC#123 (0x7b - All Notes Off)
if 0 is received, all transposer/arpeggiator/patch changer notes will
reset, and notestacks will be emptied
Values > 0 will be ignored
NRPN LSB| Range | Default | Description
0x00/ 0| - | - | reserved
... | | |
0x0f/ 15| | |
0x10/ 16| 0 - 22 | 0 | LFO Waveform
| | | 0: off
| | | 1: Sine
| | | 2: Triangle
| | | 3: Sawtooth
| | | 4: Rectangle 05