Last update: 2018/04/30 18:00 mididocs:seq:beginners_guide:start
Printed on 2019/10/22 16:44 Using the RollG trigger layer
You can use the trigger layer RollG together with the Roll and Roll2 parameter layers. Normally it
should be enough to just set the trigger layer Gate (=the normal gate trigger, by default in trigger
layer A) 'on' for a step and then, for the same step, turn a knob to enter a value in the Roll/Roll2
parameter layer. The sequencer will play a roll in all steps where the Gate trigger is 'on' and where
there is a non-zero value in the roll parameter layer.
However, if you have one roll value that you would like to use all over your track, normally you'd have
to enter the roll values by turning the knob for each step individually, wherever you want to effect a
roll. RollG offers another solution. Instead you can push the ALL button, set the cursor to step 1 and
then turn GPK1 to enter the same roll value in every step of the track with just one knob. If you have
only the Gate trigger layer (typically in trigger layer A), every step with the gate trigger 'on' will now
play a roll, and you cannot play any non-roll notes. But if you now assign RollG trigger to trigger layer
B on the TRIGGER page, rolls don't get triggered anymore unless you explicitly set them to trigger on
the RollG trigger layer.
In other words, now the “normal” gate layer can be used to trigger just the “normal” notes, but if
Gate and RollG are 'on' together for the same step and there's a value in the roll parameter layer, a
roll note is triggered instead. (Alone, RollG has no effect.)
This way you can enable and disable the roll value for each note with a single press of a button,
instead of having to turn the knobs to zero with each individual step. Or, instead of the ALL button
trick to enter multiple values simultaneously, you can also use the Randomiser function to randomise
the values of the roll parameter layer (for details on the randomiser function, see section 6.3.), and
then trigger them with the RollG layer.
Normally, the gate trigger 'on' state is indicated with a “♦”. However, if both the normal Gate and
RollG are on for the same step, both layers will indicate this state of affairs with a “ʘ”. If you have
RollG set 'on' for a step, but the normal gate is 'off' for that step, both layers will display an “o”.
3.2.5. Chord and Chrd2
Chord layers can be used to play chords with up to 4 ('Chord' layer) or 6 ('Chrd2' layer) notes in a
single parameter layer. For the details on the chord layer, see section
3.2.6. Control Change (CC)
CC layers can be used to send Control Change messages to your MIDI equipment. For the details on
the CC layers, see section