2019/10/22 16:44
MIDIbox SEQ V4 Beginner's Guide
MIDIbox - http://wiki.midibox.org/
3.2.12. Root
The Root parameter layer allows for the selection of a root note locally. The default value is “Glb”,
which means that for the selected step, the root note is the same as the global root note (set in MENU
+ FX → Scale with GPK3; see section 6.2. Force To Scale for details). While in the FX page's Scale
menu it is possible to select “Keyb” for entering a root note via a keyboard, on a Root track only
absolute values (from C to B) are allowed.
The setting on the Root layer overrides the global root setting for each step in the track where the
value is other than “Glb”.
The track using a Root layer must be in Normal mode, not in Transpose or Arpeggiator mode (MENU +
Using a Root parameter layer in a track makes it easier to use the Chord and Chord2 layers on the
same track, because there is no need to set up a controlling track to control the root note of another
track (see section 6.1. Using a bus to control a track for the details on this). For example, you could
use only one type of chord, a major chord, on the chord layer of a track, and control whether it is a C
major, F major or G major with the Root note track.
3.2.12. Scale
The Scale parameter layer allows for the selection of scale locally. The default value is “Glb”, which
means that for the selected step, the scale is the global scale (set in MENU + FX → Scale with GPK4–8;
see section 6.2. Force To Scale for details).
The setting on the Scale layer overrides the global scale setting for each step where the value is other
than “Glb”.
The list of available scales, with ordinal numbers, is on the FX → Scale page; thus the major scale is
number 0 (“0:Major” on the display), and harmonic minor is number 1 (“1:Harmonic Minor” on the
display). However, the limited notation on the Scale track only allows for the use of the ordinal
numbers for scales, so you have to remember that number 0 denotes the major scale, number 16 the
mixolydian scale etc.
The list of the available 166 (!) scales with their ordinal numbers and names is available in pdf form
3.2.13. Aftertouch
The Aftertouch parameter layer allows for the sending (and recording) of channel aftertouch events.
The default value for a new Aftertouch layer is “0”.