Chapter 4: Using the Command Line Interface
Type either of the following commands to restart the PDU.
reset unit
-- OR --
reset unit
If you entered the command without "
" in Step 2, a message appears prompting you to confirm the operation. Type y
to confirm the reset.
Wait until the Username prompt appears, indicating the reset is complete.
Note: If you are performing this command over a USB connection, re-connect the USB cable after the reset is completed,
or the CLI communications are lost.
Resetting Active Energy Readings
You can reset either one active energy sensor or all active energy sensors at a time to restart the energy accumulation
Only users with the "Admin" role assigned can reset active energy readings.
To reset all active energy readings of the PDU:
reset activeEnergy pdu
-- OR --
reset activeEnergy pdu /y
To reset one inlet's active energy readings:
reset activeEnergy inlet <n>
-- OR --
reset activeEnergy inlet <n> /y
To reset one outlet's active energy readings:
reset activeEnergy outlet <outlet_n>
-- OR --
reset activeEnergy outlet <outlet_n> /y
If you entered the command without "/y", a message appears prompting you to confirm the operation. Type y to confirm the
reset or n to abort it.