ArtixScan 6000XY Installation and Operation Manual 13
For multiple originals:
When prescanning a “batch” images, tape all to the scan bed, and then scan in a
single pass. The originals must be of the same type (transparency or reflective), but
can be different in size or media (transparency or negative).
• Tape the first original at the 0,0 corner of the glass.
• Tape the originals toward the lower left corner of the scan bed, making sure the
originals do not overlap. If necessary, continue to the next row. It is best to place the
originals in order, and not spread them randomly all over the glass bed.
Using customized masks
When you use the masks (included with your scanner), place the originals. These
masks are used for scanning transparencies, negatives, and reflectives.
Working with the scanner is convenient and productive with the mask. Advantages
• Preparing the originals in advance at another place while the scanner is busy with
other scans.
• With the mask grid lines, positioning the originals is easier.
• The scan bed can be kept clean, as there are no tape marks.
• Defining multiple scan job customized formats. The defined formats will appear in
the scan job window. After preview, each scanned image is displayed as a separate
Preparing the customized mask
The customized mask is an A3 (11" x 17") opaque sheet; one side of the mask is for
transparencies, the other for reflectives (see the label on the mask). A set of barcode
windows appears at one edge; the first and the last barcode windows are always open.
For Transparency:
• Mark the outlines of the original on the transparency side of the mask, according to
the format you want to customize. The first original outline should be near the
(1,0) point at the lower right corner of the mask.
Position (1,0)