© Microhard Systems Inc.
4.0 Configuration
4.1.4 System > Keepalive
The Keep alive tab allows for the configuration of the keep alive features of the IPnXGii. The IPnXGii can
check for activity on the Wireless Interface, The CLI (Command Line Interface), The WEBUI, and ensure
that they are working as expected. In the event that the IPnXGii does not detect activity on a interface it will
reboot to attempt to resolve any issues that may have occurred.
Image 4-1-6: Carrier > Keepalive
Enable or Disable the keep alive functions of the modem. If it is
disabled, the user can configure the Traffic Check separately. The unit
will monitor traffic on the Cell interface.
Keep Alive
Values (Selection)
/ Disable
Monitors traffic on the Cell interface as well as the WAN interface if the
WAN port is configured as independent in the Network Settings. If the
Bullet detects that there is no activity on the above interfaces it will
attempt a ICMP, HTTP or DNS Lookup as configured below to
determine if service has been lost.
Traffic Check
Values (Selection)
/ Disable
Monitors the activity of CLI. If the console isn't accessed within the
certain period which is specified by Console Timeout in System-
Settings web page, the modem will send out the connection request.
CLI Activity
Values (Selection)
/ Disable
Monitors the activity of Web UI. If the Web UI isn't accessed or
refreshed within the certain period which is specified by Console
Timeout in System-Settings web page, the modem will send out the
connection request.
Web UI Activity
Values (Selection)
/ Disable