© Microhard Systems Inc.
4.0 Configuration
4.2.3 Network > WAN
WAN Configuration
The WAN configuration refers to the wired WAN connection on the IPnXGii. The WAN port can be used to
connect the IPnXGii to other networks, the internet and/or other network resources.
This selection determines if the IPnXGii will obtain an WAN IP address
from a DHCP server, or if a static IP address will be entered. If a Static
IP Address is chosen, the fields that follow must also be populated.
Connection Type
Values (selection)
Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol may
be used by networked
devices (Clients) to obtain
unique network addresses
from a DHCP server.
Ensures unique IP addresses
are assigned, from a central
point (DHCP server) within a
The address of a particular
device is not ‘known’ and is
also subject to change.
STATIC addresses must be
tracked (to avoid duplicate
use), yet they may be
permanently assigned to a
Image 4-2-4: Network > WAN Configuration
If ‘Static’ Connection Type is selected, a valid IPv4 Address for the
network being used must be entered in the field. If ‘DHCP’ is chosen
this field will not appear and it will be populated automatically from the
DHCP server.
IP Address
Values (IP Address)
(no default)
If ‘Static’ Connection Type is selected, the Network Mask must be
entered for the Network. If ‘DHCP’ is chosen this field will not appear
and it will be populated automatically from the DHCP server.
Values (IP Address)
(no default)
Use this to set the function of the physical WAN RJ45 port. If set to
independent WAN , the physical WAN port will operate as a standard
WAN port. Alternatively it can be configured to be bridged to the LAN,
and operate as a second LAN port, or even as an independent LAN.
Working Mode
Values (selection)
Independent WAN
Bridged with LAN Port
Independent LAN