Event Configuration
This item configures the period for the email transmission and the attachment for the image of the occurred event.
Figure 4.19. Email Property Configuration Screen
The grabbed events during the period will be sent in an email.
Attach current image
The email will be sent with video image together when this item is checked. You need to disable this item when the
video image is not necessary or the email with big size is not available.
Server Configuration
This item configures a mail server to send the email.
Figure 4.20. Email Server Configuration Screen
This item configures the email address of the sender.
Delivering Type
Supported delivering method are Direct Send and Mail Server.
Server Name
This item is necessary when the email is sent through the mail server. It configures the address of the mail server.
This item is necessary when the email is sent through the mail server. It configures the port of the mail server.
This item is necessary when the email is sent through the mail server. It configures the account to log in the mail
This item is necessary when the email is sent through the mail server. It configures the password of above account.
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol to manage network. Messages related with events can be
sent to the SNMP management system by using this function. It can be used with linked all of the events.